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Can your website pass the Grandma test?



Simple tips to check your website…


The easiest way to check your website is to find an awesome grandma (or grandad) & see if they can find the info they need whilst enjoying their visit!


Would they find it difficult?


Sometimes these simple tweaks are all you need to keep guests engaged with your brand!


Focus on your brand colours to enhance your professional image.


Choose 1 or 2 fonts you love & use throughout to unify the site.


Look at the amount of copy (writing) in any one section. Too much or too little can both put viewers off!


Next check for spelling errors or broken links.

Check your site has a responsive design…

AKA it works just as well on a phone screen as it does on a laptop.


Are your images or videos the right balance of being great quality whilst also not slowing down your loading time?


Is it obvious what you want a visitor to do on each page?

Is there a clear path or CTA (call to action) to guide them to buy/contact/donate etc?

When these things are ticked off, your website should be looking great AND functioning fabulously!


Wishing you a brilliant week!


Love Chlo

The Music & Dance Journey

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The service that I have received from Jamie has been outstanding – he has explained the process thoroughly from start to finish, advising on campaigns, search terms, locations and so much more.

Debbie Mitchell, Studio Owner, The Music & Dance Journey
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