Urban Feather Limited Icon
+44 (0) 1724 897 497

Get found in your area with local SEO

Google My Business and Bing Places for Business enable a company’s contact information to be found more easily by people searching on Google/Bing. They also plot the business on Google or Bing Maps ready to display their contact information to people searching by location.

Give your website a boost on local searches

Serving as a perfect partner to a business’ website for people searching the web, Google My Business/Bing Places for Business can help a company get the right messages to the right people when they are actively searching for it.

How can we help?

Urban Feather can help by setting up a Google My Business/Bing Places for Business account and ensuring it passes all the right verifications. We can also add business’ contact information to a number of online directories (known as Citation Listings) which can help to improve the business’ rank in the Google/Bing Maps search results.

Get in touch!
Right Action

We engaged Urban Feather to undertake a re-branding exercise of our e-commerce and service activities. Kate and Richard have been excellent throughout the project. Their design and technical skills have been great and they have shown great patience in dealing with our requests!

Barrie Holden, Managing Director, Right Action
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+44 (0) 1724 897 497