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GDPR Advice Line

Those Dreaded 4 Letters

…GDPR, seem to be causing panic among many small businesses.  What is GDPR?  Am I compliant? What do I need to do?  Is GDPR law or is it just a guideline?

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GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation.  It replaces the current Data Protection Act and came into force on 25 May 2018.   The GDPR is regulated by the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) and strengthens the rules around personal data.  It requires organisations to be more accountable and transparent, and gives people greater control over their own personal data.

The GDPR Advice Line

There are many resources on the ICO website (ico.org.uk) to help organisations employing fewer than 250 people prepare for the GDPR.  But in November 2017 they also launched a dedicated advice line to help SME’s prepare for a new data protection law.  The phone service recognises the particular problems small businesses faced when getting ready for the new General Data Protection Regulation law.

To access the ICO’s GDPR advice line dial 0303 123 1113 and select option 4 which will divert you to their support staff.

Additional Information

For further information about the GDPR visit the ICO website.  Their full documentation can be found here, and if you’ve not heard of GDPR, a good place to start is with their handy data protection self assessment checklists.

The ICO are also holding events and webinars to help engage the UK and give organisations a better understanding of their responsibilities.  Details of their upcoming dates can be found on their events and webinars page.

Need Help?

If you’re unsure about your marketing and website, and whether you are GDPR compliant, why not get in touch with us.  We’d be happy to talk you through any changes that you might need to make and point you in the right direction should you need to speak to the ICO.

The Music & Dance Journey

The service that I have received from Jamie has been outstanding – he has explained the process thoroughly from start to finish, advising on campaigns, search terms, locations and so much more.

Debbie Mitchell, Studio Owner, The Music & Dance Journey
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