Urban Feather Limited Icon
+44 (0) 1724 897 497

Time, cost or quality?

We are contacted regularly about new projects. These vary in size and cost but, no matter the project, we always quote based on the work involved. Whether it’s for print, web or marketing, our many years of combined experience are reflected in our quotes.

In the triple constraint triangle of time, cost and quality, we breakdown what to expect.


Quick turnaround = Lower quality + Higher cost

“I need it for yesterday.”

We will always try to accommodate your project but, as other customers have pre-booked time, it wouldn’t be fair to just move this work on. That said, our team can often find time out of hours to assist with a project, or bring in additional resources, but this can have an affect on the cost as we’re adding more resources to help fit this in early.


Limited investment = Lower quality + Longer timeframe

“I haven’t got much of a budget.”

Although it may not always be obvious, a lot of work is put in to a design project. If you want to get more from your budget, in certain circumstances, we can offer payment plans to help you spread the cost. This obviously comes over a longer period of time so the project may not be completed as quickly.


Outstanding quality = Higher cost + Longer timeframe

“I want the very best.”

The Urban Feather team always produce work to our own minimum quality standards. If you don’t want something of high quality, we’re probably not the right company for you.


So, what are your thoughts on this and what are your project expectations?

Urban Feather always quote based on the work we already have in the studio and the appropriate costs involved. We don’t like to produce work that we wouldn’t be happy to showcase. An 8 week project isn’t necessarily 8 weeks solid but scheduled in around existing projects. Adjusting this to finish sooner would mean additional resource and cost to pay for those resources to maintain the quality.

This video from Mo Selim Art on YouTube pretty much sums up how not allowing for the appropriate time can have an effect on the quality:

Would you be happy with the 10 second version?

If you would like to talk to Urban Feather about your next project please get in touch.

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+44 (0) 1724 897 497