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Digital / Online Marketing – OMG, what even is it?

You’ve probably heard of the acronyms associated with online marketing and may even have a general understanding of what they mean for your business

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But for those who don’t, Urban Feather is here to save the day with this quick guide to online marketing.


Starting off nice and simple, we have your company’s website. Acting as the central hub to all of your online activity, your website has to have an impact and be extremely easy to use to appeal to your potential customers. A problematic website will often lead to major issues when it comes to online marketing.

We’re going to go ahead and assume you already have an amazing website that works (if you don’t, call us!) and move on to look in detail at some of the more advanced aspects of digital/online marketing.

SEO – Search Engine Optimisation

What is it?

In its basic form, it is the actions that you take to get to the top of search engines when people are searching for your products and services.

Why should you do it?

What good is a strong message or tool such as your website if nobody gets to see it. If you ever question how important it is, ask yourself: “When was the last time I reached page 8 of Google?” The only problem is that everybody is competing to be in the first position of all their relevant search terms, and there can only be one.

How can we help?

After an initial analysis, Urban Feather will put together a strategy to help improve your website’s searchability. This plan involves a number of recommendations of actions and services. Particularly effective are our Website Maintenance Plans that guarantee hours of studio time to be spent solely on improving your website. We can also help improve your local search listing with our Google My Business services.

SMM – Social Media Marketing

What is it?

SMM uses social media to reach your customers and potential customers through engagement and relationship building. The most common used social media sites used are Facebook and Twitter but there are also Google+, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Reddit, Pinterest, Instagram, SnapChat and YouTube.

Why should you do it?

Social media has become probably the easiest and most effective way of building and maintaining positive relationships with your customers. It is also the most accessible way for them to make their feelings known if something goes wrong; so having a presence to control these situations and for damage limitation can be an essential part of your PR strategy as well.

How can we help?

If you’re just getting started on social media, Urban Feather offers both a branding and full account setup service. If however, you don’t have the time or expertise to manage your various social media accounts, Urban Feather can do this for you too. We have a number of social media management plans to ensure everything is managed as it should be.

PPC – Pay-Per-Click Advertising

What is it?

A form of advertising whereby you only pay for the advert when a user has clicked on it. This will normally then take the user through to a page on your website or a specific landing page. Common forms of PPC are Google AdWords and Facebook advertising.

Why should you do it?

To reach potential customers that you otherwise wouldn’t reach. In the example of Google AdWords, you can target people actively searching for a product or service like yours but who may not know of your existence. Another great aspect of PPC is that you can monitor and determine your budgets extremely effectively, allowing you to run campaigns even on a limited budget.

How can we help?

Urban Feather staff are Google Ads Certified & Bing Ads Accredited Professionals with experience in managing successful Facebook and Twitter advertising campaigns. Due to the similarities between PPC advertising styles, we are also able to research possibilities for other specific online advertising campaign requests that customers may have.

Content Marketing

What is it?

The creation and distribution of content to gain and maintain a targeted audience. The most common form of content marketing is a blog.

Why should you do it?

Apart from directing your targeted audience to your website, regular unique content is also proven to have a positive effect on SEO and your search engine rankings. Your content can also then link to your products or services to drive sales in a non-intrusive manner.

How can we help?

Although not often advertised, we do offer a blog writing service at Urban Feather. Once written, it can be shared across other channels in order to make it as effective as possible.

Email Marketing

What is it?

A targeted message sent by email to people who have given permission for you to contact them.

Why should you do it?

When done right and with permission from your audience, email campaigns can be a great way to deliver targeted messages at a minimal cost. The most common types of message: to drive sales and to direct people to your website. Even if they’re not interested in that particular message at that time, it can keep you in the mind of your audience for when they are interested in what you have to offer. One thing that we must warn you about however is about the legality of unsolicited emails. If people in the audience haven’t given you permission to send them emails, this is classed as spam and can have a damaging effect on your reputation. Not only that but it can result in your email campaign account being suspended by the provider, your domain becoming “blacklisted” or an “unlimited fine”.

How can we help?

We have a number of different services to help get your email campaigns up and running. Often the first port of call for clients who are new to email marketing is our MailChimp & Klaviyo account creation service. Teamed with our template creation service, we can get you in a position to be able to send out your campaigns yourself. Alternatively, we can manage the whole campaign for you, no matter what you would like to promote.

Making It Work

One of the great things about digital/online marketing is that any of the methods mentioned can work individually meaning that everyone has an option no matter the budget.

The most effective campaigns, however, combine all aspects and work in unity towards a common goal.

Digital Marketing

Ian Pickering Photography & Flim

We felt Urban Feather could come up with a design for our website that could set us apart from our competitors locally. They took on the brief and designed us a website that we are very happy with, simple but to the point, utilising plenty of our imagery to showcase our work.

We would happily recommend them to others looking for a Web Designer.

Jo Pickering, Ian Pickering Photography & Film
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