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Remarketing & Retargeting

Get to grips with Remarketing & Retargeting

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What they are

Ever visited a website and then seen several adverts for that company on other websites you’re browsing. Well, that’s remarketing & retargeting, it’s the repeated advertising of a business and the products/services they offer to potential customers.

How they differ

Remarketing is a system run by Google using their Ads advertising platform. It can show adverts in search results powered by Google and on any website that offers advertising space using Google AdSense.

Retargeting is Facebook’s version and can show adverts solely on Facebook’s properties including Instagram and the Facebook apps.

How they work

Both remarketing and retargeting work by adding small snippets of code to your website. This can be across the whole site, categories or even individual products or services.

When people then visit your website, Google & Facebook are able to add them to a specific advertising list based on where you’ve placed the code and the parameters set (for example in an “interested in digital marketing” list).

Once you’ve built your list to a large enough size, your targeted adverts are then shown specifically to these people whenever they visit available associated websites (e.g. on a related industry blog using remarketing, or when browsing Facebook for retargeting).

Why do it

It’s estimated that it takes between 6-8 “touches” from a business for a potential customer to go from thinking about making a purchase from them, to making that purchase.

So each time a potential customer can see your advert when they’re going through their buying thought process, that’s possibly one more touch towards choosing your business over your competitor.

Who is it right for

Anybody with a website (and a Facebook page if you’re considering retargeting) can use remarketing and retargeting. It helps establish your brand and start to build a relationship with potential customers, potentially before they’ve contacted you!

How we can help

As part of our Google Ad management service, we can set up and manage a remarketing campaign for you.

Alternatively, if you’d like to run a retargeting campaign, we can set that up and manage it for you too.

Brigg Windows

I must admit that Jamie and Richard have been tremendous. They have tried to explain everything to me and I have pretended that I understand. The point is though, it doesn’t matter that I do not understand how everything works because I know without a shadow of a doubt, they do.

Maria Portess, Director, Brigg Windows & Conservatories
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