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How to set up sale items in Shopify

The following how-to guide details how to setup a sale item and collection in your Shopify e-commerce store. For the purpose of this guide, the default Debut Shopify theme is used.

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Sale items in Shopify

Sale items and collections are expected parts of an e-commerce website. Shopify makes it very easy to set up products for sale.

Follow the steps below to set up your sale products in Shopify.


Amending the sale product

  • In your Shopify admin, in the left navigation, click the Products menu item. This will display the products list.
  • Click on the product you would like to make a sale item, in this case we’re using Red T-Shirt as an example.

Setting up a sale product in Shopify

  • The regular price for our product is £10.00. We want to reduce this to £5.00 for the sale.
  • Scroll down to the Pricing section of the admin product page.
  • In this case, currently the Price field will contain £10.00. As this now needs to be our Was price, we will move this to the Compare at price field.
  • Our new sale price will be £5.00. This price with therefore be added in to the Price field.

Amending the sale compare price in Shopify

  • This guide focuses only on the sale aspect but other fields can be updated as required.
  • Finally, we want to ensure that all Sale products are identifiable. For this we will assign a tag of Sale to the product.
  • Whilst on the admin product page, find the Tags section in the right column.
  • Add a new tag of Sale.

Assigning a sale tag within Shopify

  • Click Save and view the product on the front end of the website. The sale price should now show.

Shopify sale item product page


Setting up the sale collection

  • In your Shopify admin, in the left navigation, click the Products menu item. This will drop down additional links.
  • Click on the Collections link.
  • If not already in place, click the Create collection button.
  • Enter your Title and optional Description.

Setting up a Sale collection in Shopify

  • Choose Automated as the Collection type.
  • Scroll down to the Conditions section.
  • In this case, product must match All conditions.
  • From the first drop down, ensure Product tag is selected.
  • From the second drop down, select is equal to.
  • Finally, from the third drop down enter your sale tag used, in this case our example simply uses the tag Sale.

Assigning a sale tag within Shopify

  • This how-to guide concentrates on the fields relevant to our sale items but please amend SEO and other fields as required.
  • Click Save and view the collection on the front end of the website. Any products tagged with Sale will automatically be added to this collection.


Setting up the new sale collection as a menu item

  • In your Shopify admin, in the left navigation, click the Online Store menu item. This will drop down additional links.
  • Click on the Navigation link.
  • Click on your menu from the list, in this case simply Main menu.
  • Click the Add menu item link.
  • Leave the Name field blank for now as this will be auto-populated with the collection name.
  • Within the Link field, start typing the name of your collection, in this case Sale Items.

Find collection for Shopify menu item

  • Once found, click on the collection and the Name field with now be populated. Amend as required.

Update Shopify menu item label

  • Reposition and reorder the link as required within the menu structure.

Setting up sale menu items

  • Finally, click Save menu and check the front-end of the website to ensure the menu has updated correctly.



This guide will hopefully help you to set up sale items within Shopify. As always, if you’d like to discuss a Shopify area that we’ve not yet covered, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Right Action

From the early planning stages right through to the implementation of our new website, Urban Feather have been very approachable, professional and a pleasure to deal with.

Neil Stocks, IT/Ecommerce Operations Manager, Right Action Ltd.
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